Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Speaking of loofah's.....

I found this disturbing bathroom item in Fist's shower....and considering I live with him, I think we all need a please explain? Hehe

Look what you've started Attica, he's likely to leave something in my laundry for this…..


At 22/2/06 18:45, Blogger Attica Wolfcastle, Esq. said...

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At 22/2/06 18:46, Blogger Attica Wolfcastle, Esq. said...

Fisticuffs, I salute your cleanliness.
Loofahs for all!

P.S. Thanks so much for the link! After about 45 minutes of HTML-hair-pulling-outing, I've figured out how to return the favor.

At 23/2/06 09:17, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good fighter is like liquid soap.... liquid soap is insubstantial... you can not grab hold of it.... you can not stick it up your arse and clean your starfish....

At 23/2/06 10:25, Blogger Ferret Boy said...

hehhe.... LDK up to his old tricks again :) see this

At 23/2/06 11:03, Blogger Fist said...

I don't know how that got there, I believe it must have grown out of the wall.

I'd be watching your shower Debsie...there could be loofahs popping up everywhere

At 23/2/06 14:10, Blogger Debsie said...

Hehe I think we need to put an end to this convo before we all start exfoliating...

'Stallions, Indeed' - Thats hot.


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